Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Oh yes, put on your party hats and roll out the red carpet, Motivational Monday series two has arrived!

If you are confused at all about where you are or what's going on, THIS was the first ever Motivational Monday and THIS was the series one finale. If you are new to the feature, you might find them useful.

So Merry Monday my lovely lot, if you are feeling a bit blue because it's the start of the week, please don't, it's the perfect opportunity to start afresh and achieve your goals.

This image was lovingly borrowed from Pinterest. Original source unknown. You can follow my boards HERE

I have chosen this motivator today because it's simple, easy to start with and brings happiness, which is essentially the point of Motivational Mondays. 

I'll keep things short (for once). Whatever you're doing today, whether you're at work, school, college, home, looking after your littles, running errands or having a duvet day (lucky) then enjoy it. You may not be dancing with glee at the prospect of sitting at your desk all day but find something about it that is positive. Is it nice to see colleagues/piers again? Do you have a really nice lunch planned? Could you have a sneaky bit of internet time and peruse some online shops? 

Make a concerted effort to enjoy today and every day this week. When you look for the good in things, you find them, appreciate them and feel uplifted for knowing they are there. 

I hope this gentle start into Motivational Monday has lifted your spirits and your week's are wonderful. 

Tell me in the comments what you do on a typical Monday. I love knowing about people's day to day!



Contributor - Louise

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