Aloha Sprinklerinos,

According to scientists (or maybe just general 'they say' ness), today is the most depressing Monday of the year on account of it being so long since payday and a while til the next, the gloomy weather and the lack of excitement (oh how we miss you Christmas). If you are feeling blue, you've come to the right place because today is Motivational Monday where we come together as a happy, supportive, caring community and there is always a friend for you in the comments section. 


I don't know about you but I often find myself worrying in circles and revving myself up into quite the tizzy about things I can't control or problems that aren't really mine. This week I'm going to make a concerted effort to let go of them.

This week I am going to love myself the most and not beat myself up over all the little things I find myself fixated on. So I cleared my office but left a load (and I mean loads!) of junk on the sofa, oh well. So I slipped up on my healthy eating plan and ate four (oops) weight watcher bars yesterday, oh well. So I didn't plan out all my blog posts last week, never mind. What I have done is love my family, read to my Daughter, laugh with my Husband, looked after my body with a few good walks and no takeouts, shared with a neighbour. 

What I'm trying to point out is that when you focus on all the times you've done wrong, messed up or missed out, you can't fully see all the things you have excelled at, been brilliant in or cared about. We are often our own worst enemies and this week for Motivational Monday I would like you, every day, to find something good that you have done and give yourself a pat on the back. You deserve it. It can be really big or really small or somewhere in between, but give yourself some lovin'. 

Homework (ie. comment below with haha)- Are you going to try and be kinder to yourself? What great things did you do over the weekend that you deserve a personal clap for? Also, how did you get on last week? Did you focus on any existing goals and did you have a positive outcome? It's good to reassess as well as look forward. 


Contributor - Louise

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