Aloha Sprinklerinos,
I'm not a 'fashion blogger'. I don't look hot in disco pants. I don't effortlessly throw together key pieces. I don't find clothing gems in vintage markets. Sometimes, I quite literally spend the day in an old baggy t-shirt that says 'Bride' and some comfy knicker-shorts.....but that's only when I'm trying to be extra sexy. Ha.
(Do excuse my angry gonna-steal-your-dinner-money face, I was scowling at my camerman like the loving wife I am.)
Nude Blazer :: Primark £13
Black Vest :: H&M under £4
Navy Skinnies :: Newlook £12.99 on sale
Black PomPom Slingback Pumps :: Topshop £20
Fox Bag :: Ebay £5.99 (also comes in pink, mint and black)
On this particular day, I had decided to treat the wider public and put an actual outfit on. Unless of course you want a knickers and nightie OOTD? Haha! This was just a fairly simple look that I wore for a mooch round a shopping centre with Matt and Baby Glitter a couple of weeks ago. It's nothing special, but pretty representative of what I wear most regularly.
Earrings :: Primark £2-3
Nails :: Impress £8.99
I adore this blazer. It's super lightweight so not too warm, you can through it over a vest top and feel a lot more covered and 'protected'. I don't have an issue with my arms, but sometimes a strappy top during the day feels a little naked. For many moons I shied away from blazers as I thought they would make me look boxy and androgynous, but alas, I was wrong. With the right cut, fabric and shade, they can make a harsh outfit look very gentle.
If you have read THIS post, you will know that I adore impress nails even more than I do the blazer!
The fox bag was a cheeky little ebay purchase a while back. I have since seen that Matalan are now stocking the exact same ones, but ebay is cheaper- woop woop, good old ebay wins again! I thought the bag added a touch of fun and whimsy to a fairly plain outfit.
So, not a polished, on-trend, cutting edge 'look', but that's what I wear of day and for normal life (as in not special occasions), is about as glam as I get!
What do you do to add whimsy to your OOTD's?
This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Confessions of a Secret Shopper. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!
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