Aloha Sprinklerinos,

All my life I have struggled with buying gifts for men. This Father's Day I did myself proud though. So proud, I'm going to share my idea with you. I should probably point out at this point that it was my friend Marie's idea, but seeing as she lives on the other side of the world in America, I don't think she'll squeal on me any time soon! 

 (I have editted the flower over Baby Glitter's chest because naturally I don't want her topless on the internet. In real life, that's not there! Matt was THRILLED with his gift and can't wait to hang it in his study.)

How to make this Dashing Dad's Gift

1. Think about the word you want to use and buy the correct frame. I wanted 'D.A.D', so I only needed a tripple window frame (mine was from Ikea). 

2. Buy the letters you need to make the word and paint them the colour your choose. I used some paint I had in a little B&Q tester pot, so you really don't need to be Mrs Fancy here. 

3. Get snap happy! I dressed Baby Glitter in a little tutu and pink bloomers, sat her on a blanket which I held up behind her, whilst Zoe clicked away. You may have to take a fair few shots (especially with young children and babies) but hang in there and be patient. If possible, ask a friend to help because it makes life so much easier! Thank You Zoe! 

4. Take your snaps to the developer and frame. Simples. 

: TIPS :

Try this for the Christmas season but with 'J.O.Y' or 'N.O.E.L' and a festive outfit. You don't need a baby/child for this, I made one for my Dad with these photographs. Don't I look spiffing?! Haha.

Buy a double windowed frame and hold numbers to make a unique birthday gift. 

Use a four windowed frame for words like 'LOVE', 'LIVE', 'LUCK', 'BABY, 'HOME'.

To make photographs look extra swish, consider using a free photo editting site like picmonkey. You don't need a professional camera to make brilliant images, just a bit of creativity.

If this was a gift from children, buy a simple frame and allow them to embellish it with gems, paints, buttons or sparkles.


Is this an idea you like and might try? Do you have any great DIY ideas for the menfolk in your life? Share the love. 



PS- I am now on Pinterest and you are welcome to come and snoop through my boards/follow me. Go on, you know you want to ;)

This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Dashing Divas. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!


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