Aloha Sprinklerinos,

I love wearing false eyelashes. I think they give you a huge dose of confidence and automatically give your face the 'wow' factor.

I've tried and tested quite and array of brands and have often found price does not reflect in quality. It's for that reason that I am always willing to try new lashes from different brands, and have found some great pairs this way.

I found these lashes from Eldora at the London IMATS. I had actually seen them the year before but not bought any, so I thought I would give them a whirlybird this time and I'm really glad I did.

(Please do excuse the slightly grainy photos. I took them on the poopy face-forward side of my iPhone because I was popping them on for a dinner party with chums and thought, 'Oooohh I should snap these whilst I can and blog about them', so here we are with not perfect pictures, but real lifeness none the less!).

The pair I bought (H149) were £3.33 at the IMATS as they were doing a 3 for £10 deal but I have seen online (linked above) that they are £4.25, which I still believe to be a fair price.

They were easy to apply, the provided glue was surprisingly good quality (I usually use my own Duo glue, but I couldn't find the tube) and they stayed put all night.

I liked that the actual strip of lashes was flexible, so you could mould it easily to the shape of your eyelid. Sometimes I find it unbearably tricky to apply lashes that I give up in gluey frustration, but so far, with Eldora, that hasn't been the case- hurrah!!

Also, if you don't pull them off in a wine fuelled stupor (ahem), then you could easily wipe any mascara and glue off and use them again. 99% of the time I get at least 3 uses out of my lashes. This obviously means you save money, but please don't be tempted to borrow your chum's lashes after she's had a wear of them, you could run the risk of infection! Bleaugh!

The packaging is pleasant and slim enough to fit neatly in my false lashes box. Hmmm, you know you have too many when you have a dedicated box for them! Haha!

I'm pleased as punch with this brand and am really looking to dabbling into some of their more adventurous pairs- like feathers or fabric. Oohhhh! Although I must say, if you're new to the land of lashes, H149 would be a great place to start as they provide an element of flutter, but without the 'oh wow, have you grown wings from your eyes?' feel that they can sometimes bring...and that secretly I quite enjoy.

Are you a lash lady? Would you be tempted to try Eldora?




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